Nowdays, the World Wide Web offers a wealth of information about kundalini. However, when I needed to learn more about kundalini and its mechanisms, most of the information I came across was described in a mystical way and was of little help for the symptoms I was experiencing. There is a lack of grounded and practical information about kundalini available online.

Since this is an extensive topic on its own, this article will focus on the role of kundalini awakening in the healing process, while a next article will discuss the evolution of kundalini in connection with the vibrational rise of our planet and the beings inhabiting it.

Despite the amount of information available today from various sources, for many, the term kundalini remains unfamiliar, so I will try to briefly explain it. I will use terminology from the yoga tradition, as our language does not have an appropriate vocabulary for this subject. Yoga, as a system aiming for unity, has developed precise processes to awaken, release, and utilize kundalini energy. However, no matter how detailed and useful this knowledge is, it holds no value without practice and experiential application in real life. It is also important to consider that the application of knowledge that was relevant thousands of years ago has changed, as today’s human beings and the current state of the planet are transitioning into a higher level of existence.

KUNDALINI is our own life energy, which remains dormant until it is awakened. On the energetic level of our anatomy, it is stored within the pelvis. When awakened, its movement is upward through a vertical energy channel known as the Sushumna. This energy is immensely powerful and initiates processes of purification and spiritual awakening in our body. Although kundalini exists on the energetic level, it has an impact and can be felt on all our levels—physical, emotional, and mental.

Kundalini is energy that belongs to a higher level of existence and (in most cases) is out of sync with the level of the physical body. This mismatch means that many issues arising from the awakening of kundalini energy stem from the body’s and environment’s inability to adapt to the higher vibration introduced by kundalini.

To clarify and alleviate any concerns that the process of kundalini awakening is very common or that it might happen to young children, let’s address this first.


Our development into a healthy and stable adult is an essential prerequisite for creating a solid foundation within ourselves for the awakening of kundalini.

Therefore, all the prerequisites for achieving psychophysical health and growth—necessary for maturing and aging healthily—form the important basis for spiritual awakening. A healthy nervous system plays a critical role in supporting the awakening of kundalini energy. Consequently, not everyone will experience kundalini awakening during their lifetime. Another characteristic of kundalini awakening is that, for some, the process unfolds smoothly and almost imperceptibly, while for others, it is intense and accompanied by various noticeable symptoms that cannot be attributed to other health conditions.

Living in a culture where knowledge and discussion about kundalini are limited, individuals who undergo kundalini awakening—whether in a mild or intense form—might not recognize the process if they are not deeply attuned to their intuition and self-awareness. They might either overlook a gentle awakening or misattribute intense processes to unknown physical or psychological disorders.

For this reason, although the audience for whom I write on this topic is relatively small, it is important to address it to prevent prolonged searching and misinterpretation of symptoms, or attempts to “treat” them on levels unrelated to the true source of the symptoms.

“TREATING KUNDALINI” Is Not Possible—Once Activated, It Is an Irreversible Process. What is possible, however, is balancing the body to ensure that the symptoms of awakening are as mild as possible. By working on oneself, one can remove blockages at other levels—mental, emotional, and vibrational—that hinder the free flow of energy through the body. This process simultaneously raises the body’s vibration, aligning it more closely with the vibration of kundalini.

For those engaged in the field of energy healing, it is helpful to have some knowledge about kundalini awakening to guide and assist clients experiencing related symptoms. Visiting a conventional doctor for kundalini awakening symptoms is unlikely to provide relief, but an experienced yoga teacher, Ayurvedic doctor, or energy medicine practitioner may offer valuable advice.


For kundalini energy to flow unobstructed along the spine, it must unravel three energetic knots, known as granthis (located in the root center, heart center, and head center). These granthis act as “safety locks,” preventing the ascent of kundalini energy if vibrational blockages in these areas have not yet been resolved. In essence, this serves as a “test” of the body’s readiness to receive this higher vibrational energy.

Through various healing processes—addressing and clearing the vibrational blockages we’ve created in these areas—we can facilitate the free flow of energy through the granthis. This is a crucial point to understand, as kundalini can be awakened without achieving its full flow along the spine. Once this energy awakens, if it encounters obstacles to its free movement, it won’t stop; instead, it will exert pressure on the area of the energetic knot until the blockage is released, allowing the energy to continue its free flow.

This can cause significant discomfort in the body, often accompanied by anxiety. Imagine it as water pressing against a dam: the water will continue to build pressure, seeking a pathway until it can break through and flow freely.


Given that kundalini energy is of intense power, if the body is not prepared to support it, it can damage or even destroy the body. Therefore, any intentional awakening of kundalini that pushes the energy system beyond its limits is not advisable.

Ashtanga Yoga, as outlined in Patanjali’s eight-limbed system, is a structured and effective method for preparing the psychophysical system to awaken and sustain this type of energy. Additionally, there are other practices that can be beneficial for such preparation.

It is important to note that kundalini awakening can also occur spontaneously in some individuals, even if they have not engaged in practices designed to trigger it. The cause of such awakenings lies in the readiness of the soul, combined with the readiness of the physical body.

A different type of spontaneous awakening occurs when it is forced or driven by various practices, without the soul’s readiness. In such cases, the situation becomes precarious, as it is difficult or nearly impossible to restore these individuals to a state of healthy balance.

Intentional awakening is violent to both our energetic and physical bodies. If we accept that what is meant for us will naturally unfold as part of the soul’s blueprint for this life, then kundalini awakening will happen organically when the time is right.


Even for someone who experiences a natural and unforced kundalini awakening, it can be challenging to establish balance in the body, align with the powerful awakened energy, and properly support the body to function normally and without disruption.

Cultivating practices that bring balance—by following all the principles of a “healthy lifestyle”—becomes a priority for anyone seeking a harmonious relationship with awakened kundalini energy. The body quickly signals when it is out of balance, and it is crucial to listen and adjust accordingly. These adjustments might involve improving sleep, nutrition, physical activity, or grounding practices to counterbalance excessive spiritual work. The reasons for imbalance can vary.

It is a misconception that once kundalini has fully awakened and ascended the spine, all obstacles are removed, and the energy can simply be utilized effortlessly. Maintaining balance is an ongoing process, a continuous effort. The third or fourth vibrational fields at which our bodies currently operate are not aligned with the higher vibrational level of kundalini. Life with awakened kundalini is both a significant motivator and an accelerator for personal healing and transformation.


Although this is not the main topic of the article, here are some potential symptoms of kundalini awakening. Symptoms can range widely across physical, psychological, and energetic domains, as there is no part of our energetic anatomy or overall being untouched by this process. The awakening of kundalini initiates a process of reintegrating the Self, merging consciousness with the body, and driving inevitable change.

One of the main symptoms is the internal sensation of piercing the vertical energy column, inner burning, subtle movements concentrated along the spine, which could be described as tingling or stronger tremors. If the physical body does not support the intensity, body shaking can occur.

Due to the internal movement of prana, the life energy, spontaneous adoption of asanas (yoga poses) or mudras (gestures) may occur at the physical level. Changes in brain wave patterns from the usual functioning, altered sleep patterns, disrupted sleep, or difficulty calming down before sleep if brain waves have shifted into a gamma state are also possible. There is also an impact on sensory organs, opening of inner vision, and seeing one’s own past, past lives, or future. As the energy from peripheral energy channels (nadis) consolidates into the central energy column, reduced circulation in peripheral parts of the body may occur.

Depending on the stage of kundalini awakening and which energetic locks (granthis) are being pierced, symptoms may manifest in specific energy centers: the root center, the heart center, or the head center.

In my opinion and experience, not all symptoms on the list are caused by kundalini awakening. Simply having vibrations blocking us internally can cause similar symptoms, as can the misuse of opiates, narcotics, or hallucinogenic drugs (whether natural or synthetic).


Start with a Conversation.

A simple, warm conversation that reassures the person that nothing is wrong with them can do a lot to calm their mind. Believe me, providing support for something that is not a very common phenomenon will significantly help to settle their personality. However, if you do not see evidence of kundalini awakening based on the conversation, the symptoms described, or energy scanning, try carefully to determine if it might be a case of projection. Many experienced teachers wisely remain silent about kundalini in public for fear that aspirants might project experiences onto the concept. This could stem from viewing kundalini awakening as the ultimate goal of spiritual practice, with the promise of awakening various powers (siddhis) as a reward. Additionally, the allure of kundalini mysteries has led to numerous publicly available records, which have caused more harm than good.

If you have ruled out the possibility of projection, assistance can be provided in various ways, but the most important thing is to first calm the energy and balance the body to support higher vibrations. This ensures the individual can stabilize and harmoniously integrate the awakened kundalini energy.

If we understand kundalini as an energy of fiery nature, for practitioners who comprehend the interplay and relationships of elements within the body, it becomes easier to balance it further. GROUNDING IS THEREFORE ESSENTIAL, supported both energetically and physically. IN ADDITION, CONSTANT WORK ON THE VIBRATIONS THAT ARE TRIGGERED, CLEANSING OF THE EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL BODIES, CALMING THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, AND EDUCATING THE PERSON WITH AWAKENED KUNDALINI ON HOW TO PERFORM SPIRITUAL AND OTHER PRACTICES THAT WILL HELP THEM ARE NECESSARY.
(Read more about grounding here:

When working with a person who needs help after a kundalini awakening, or when engaged in such personal work, it is wise to include (self-)evaluation to determine whether a focus on kundalini might be a form of escapism from the reality in which we live. The psychological aspect of wanting to escape one’s own reality can divert attention from all that needs to be done to stabilize kundalini in the body: from truthful work on the vibrations that throw us out of balance, cultivating feelings of strength and autonomy, and acknowledging oneself as consciousness.

Achieving kundalini stability is possible, but only once we cleanse the vibrations that destabilize us and pull us into lower vibrations.

It is a misconception that awakened kundalini will make our life better. If we do not develop trust in life—the trust that comes from a will to live precisely where we are, on this planet, surrendering ourselves as consciousness to that life—we will not be able to ground that awakened consciousness and wisdom into the planet we inhabit. Kundalini will make our life different, but if we are awakened consciousness, life changes will come with the realization that there is a purpose to that awakening far beyond our personality and personal ambitions.

What is also important to highlight is that, just as kundalini awakens and “is born” on its own, no one external has a role in this deeply personal process. Someone external can only be present as a doula, offering support and sharing advice. The person whose soul has decided to initiate the awakening of kundalini in their body is like the proverbial chick that will hatch from the egg only when it is ready. Any breaking of the eggshell from the outside will endanger the processes that occur naturally, driven by the mechanisms and intelligence of our design.

What awakened kundalini will prompt us to resolve with ourselves and within ourselves is an immeasurable gift that, in a given lifetime, one soul can achieve and use as a tool for awakening consciousness. From the perspective of what the soul desires, awakening is one of its highest aspirations.