We are living in a time when planet Earth and all its living beings are experiencing a transition to a higher level of existence.
In the context of a higher level of existence, we refer to a shift into the vibrational field of a higher dimension of being compared to the one we currently inhabit. At present, according to the generally accepted scale, this planet exists somewhere between the third and fourth density (3D and 4D) of existence, the state of consciousness, where “D” stands for “density.”
As vibrations increase, due to faster oscillations, matter changes its density, and its density decreases. The term “density” may not be the most fitting to the context of a “density increase,” so we will speak of levels of existence instead.
This transition is not smooth, and we can think of it as a kind of birth, where Earth and its beings, residing in the third/fourth level of existence, undergo an intense experience that has triggered a great deal of accumulated energy of pain.
Although this pain has been accumulated through experiences of life in very low levels of existence, it plays a significant and crucial role in the transformation to a higher level of existence. Every individual who decides and succeeds in overcoming and transforming their own inner vibration of pain contributes to the birth of a new Earth. Confronting pain and transforming it provides us with the uplift that moves us to the higher, currently fourth or fifth level of existence, which we aspire to so strongly.
This transition does not have clearly defined boundaries, and we will not simply cut off the lower level of existence and move into the higher one. Where we live now, there is still significant overlap between the old and the new, but the good news is that the new is becoming increasingly clear and visible.
What awaits us in 4D is an awareness of love and empathy, which is still relational — concerning us and others with whom we share this level of being. In contrast, the 5D level is where we connect with our higher levels of existence, from which we draw the wisdom and knowledge of our own existence, and we experience ourselves as pure consciousness.
As we evolve to a higher level of existence, this is also reflected in our personal energy systems and energetic body.
I know some readers might react to this with: “What? We’ve just mastered and understood the chakra system, and now you’re telling us it’s no longer valid!”
As we evolve and transition to a higher level of existence, it’s necessary to release attachment to old systems that keep us confined. Certain terms and words we use can hold us within a narrow framework of thinking, which we are striving to move beyond. Chakras are tied to the personality and, particularly, to the physical body; they are personal energy centers.
In transitioning to a higher dimension, it is essential to open ourselves to our true nature as consciousness, rather than being tied to our individual identity. As consciousness, we are not limited by personality or the body we inhabit—we are, at the same time, multidimensional.
Thus, our energy centers transcend space and time, connecting us to a much greater self than the personality residing in this body.
As our energy centers evolve, acting as our operational systems, the kundalini energy also changes.
With the transition to higher vibrations, the energies become more refined and higher vibrational, and even our physical body—relocated to a higher level of existence—experiences the awakening of kundalini in a much more subtle and gentle way. This is because there is no longer such a significant gap between this high-vibrational energy introduced into the energy system and the body itself, as there would be in a body dwelling in the third level of existence compared to one in the fifth.
The body still needs to undergo an adjustment during the kundalini awakening, but the process is much gentler. A body that has transitioned to a higher level of existence has already resolved much of what was inherited from lower levels of existence. Consequently, those low-vibrational energies no longer obstruct or block the flow of what we call kundalini. Instead, they enable a smooth and harmonious flow through the physical body.
The models that depict how kundalini flows through the body at higher levels of existence will cease to apply, so it is necessary to remain open to new paradigms.
Many of us would like to reach a level where we live through the heart space. However, as long as we haven’t worked through the lessons of the lower energy centers and purified their vibrations, we won’t be able to live guided by the heart space.
The body must still remain a focal point, and we must continue to care for it properly and connect with the Earth so that all the vibrations coming from our higher consciousness and higher levels of existence can be grounded. This grounding solidifies their presence here, where our physical bodies reside. (Read the article on grounding: https://transformationhealing.net/en/grounding-and-problems-with-grounding/)
I have come acro ss sources that speak of kundalini as energy that flows through the heart center, and while this sounds promising, I must repeat that most of us have yet to complete the necessary work with the vibrations of the lower centers. We are in a crucial transitional period where persistence and dedication to personal energetic work are still required.
The fifth level requires us to bring our own geometry—our energetic geometry, which is unique to our consciousness—into our life and existence here, where our body resides.
Our “geometry” is a vibrational imprint created by our consciousness, woven from all the experiences and knowledge of that consciousness.
We can explain this as the need to unfurl our energetic form right where we are. For it to be grounded in the reality we live in, our geometry must become fluid. It is necessary to unblock all energy channels so that life energy can flow freely through them.
This is where the role of the life energy we call kundalini comes in. Kundalini helps to remove blockages, thereby connecting us with our own potentials from higher levels of existence and with the creativity that we can then bring into our lives.
Where to Next?
Sincere work on ourselves and facing our own vibrations truly brings changes to our lives. What I’ve written about in this blog is just a part of what has been revealed to me through spiritual work, and I hope that we will remain dedicated and, with increasing confidence, continue to move into the fifth level of existence.
As more of us transition to higher vibrations, more will become clear and revealed to us about what it truly means to live in a higher level of existence.
Read more on the topic of kundalini: https://transformationhealing.net/en/awakening-kundalini-energy-and-its-role-in-healing/