I’ve spoken many times about energetic blockages, and once you understand the concept, it’s easy to grasp. But the question remains, what does this specifically mean for our physical body?

Whenever we observe our energy, it exists on multiple levels. The physical level is the easiest to understand because it’s the most tangible – something we can see and touch. We could say it’s the easiest to comprehend because it involves the body we inhabit daily. However, if this were entirely true, we could ask: why don’t we feel or know our own energy which has been with us throughout our lives in this body? Why don’t we recognize sensations and changes within our own bodies? Part of the reason lies in the fact that we haven’t learned to be present with our bodies, to know ourselves as energy and be aware of it. When we are conscious, we more easily detect and notice changes within and on ourselves.

One common manifestation of energetic blockages is energetic cysts.

Just as various blockages in our energetic body prevent the free flow of energy, this suppressed energy accumulates in one place, forming an energetic cluster – a cyst, first on energetic levels and then manifesting on the physical level, within our physical body. In short: a long-term blockage on the energetic level descends and manifests physically. A metaphor I like is how Ayurveda explains this with the concept of Ama, or toxins, which result from improper metabolism, not just physical digestion but also on other levels. Insufficient Agni, or spiritual fire, indicates that toxins easily accumulate. Toxins can also result from accumulated heavy thoughts and emotions. Accumulation occurs due to stagnation, retention, and the inability to assimilate and release, leading to imbalanced digestion and elimination. Everything we hold onto within ourselves hinders the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

What we retain remains, accumulating in both our energy and body, first forming energetic clusters and then physical ones. This is how energetic cysts are formed. When they manifest physically, they can appear on various organs and body systems. The worst manifestation, the one we all fear, is the appearance of malignant cancers.

Among bodily systems, I would emphasize the importance of the fascia, which serves as a conductor of light information throughout the body. All energetic blockages are an inability to transmit light information through the body. The exception is when there is external physical damage, where the disrupted integrity of the physical body reflects on the energetic level.

To make it clearer to our minds, we can specifically talk about energetic cysts of the mental body and energetic cysts of the emotional body. However, such categorizations are always just tools to help us understand, as in energy, there are no such clear divisions, and it’s always an intertwining on multiple levels. All emotions that we do not process and let go of can harm us. These can include sadness, jealousy, guilt, anger, but also emotions we consider desirable, such as intense joy. Anything excessive damages our energy. Mental body cysts can form from being stuck in certain energetic patterns.

How to Recognize Energetic Cysts

Anything that helps us connect with our energetic body and understand our emotions and thoughts will help us recognize if we are “blocked” somewhere or not. For this, we need AWARENESS – it is a tool we use to observe ourselves. No extrasensory abilities are needed to feel ourselves, but consistent connection with oneself, taking time for self-monitoring. By observing and feeling ourselves daily, we will notice any changes.

Simple meditations, where we connect with the Earth’s energy and Source energy, breathing through the central vertical energy column, becoming aware of energy centers, or simpler techniques like mindfulness body scanning, allow us to detect whether we are flowing freely or have blockages within us.

If you already have a cyst on the physical level, it definitely exists energetically as well.

For practitioners and therapists, depending on their natural mode of perception, information about the presence of energetic blockages and cysts can come through knowledge, inner visual perception, or sensing. The information the therapist receives is usually about some sort of cluster or mass of energy that is stagnant and lacks flow. If the cluster has been present for a long time, its color will be darker, and it will have a certain weight and density. When healing energy is directed through it, it will feel difficult to move and dissolve.

Why We Don’t Want Energetic Cysts

Although the answer is obvious, we don’t want energetic cysts because they obstruct our flow. The life force that flows through us can only persist where there is flow. Ultimately, if we want to prevent severe chronic physical illnesses, we must pay attention to maintaining flow. The lessons that our illnesses bring don’t have to reach severe stages if we are willing to become aware of them in time and not ignore them.

Blockages, including cysts, can prevent us from living our truth, expressing ourselves freely, receiving higher-level information, and creating freely.

Another reason to avoid energetic cysts is that our low-vibrational energies attract other external low-vibrational energies that can feed off them or attach themselves to us. In other words, we can “pick up” something that is not ours, not from our own energy, which will worsen our condition, further weaken us, and even manipulate us.

How to Remove Energetic Cysts

The best approach is to prevent the formation of energetic blockages and cysts through proper energetic behavior and a proper emotional and mental “diet.” This requires learning and adopting practices and ways of living that support us on all levels, from the physical to the spiritual.

In situations where cysts already exist, significant self-work is needed. An experienced practitioner can help, but the permanent solution always lies in sincere and deep personal work.

If we know where the cysts are located, we can place our hands on them and direct attention and energy to them. We can also work with our personal energetic space: cleansing it daily, becoming aware of what we allow into our space, and preventing access to anything that harms us.

We can also use what I jokingly call “flash therapy,” which involves “flashing” with our highest level of consciousness. By strongly raising our vibration and bringing the power of our consciousness into our energetic space, with repetitive strong frequency amplitudes, we can “burn out” and remove anything of lower vibration from our space, and in the case of cysts, break up and move stagnant energy.

Returning to Ayurveda, which speaks of the fire of consciousness as a counterbalance to toxicity, establishing a strong fire of awareness in our bodies shuts the path to the unconscious.


At the denisity we live, it’s not unusual to develop blockages. Facing blockages is part of daily life. As long as we find healthy ways to confront and resolve them, we grow and strengthen through the process.

The accumulation of energetic cysts is a reminder and indicator of where we are holding ourselves back or poisoning ourselves on energetic levels. Energy can be changed, and identifying cysts shouldn’t throw us into despair but can positively motivate us to persist in working on ourselves and fostering awareness. Our awareness is the most powerful tool in any kind of energetic work.