An energetic trigger is an external event or occurrence that affects us, our energy, that is, the part of us through which we communicate with the world we live in.

As a personality experiencing this life, we can do so consciously, or contrarily, we can be carried away by impressions and sensations without being able to notice or become aware of what is happening to us and the quality with which we are living our life.

When we talk about an energetic trigger, it is usually an external influence that weakens us in some way, energetically throws us off balance, making us ungrounded. Triggers stimulate and activate unresolved vibrations within us, and if we were to observe the energy field of a person who has just been triggered, we would see how much their vibrations have stirred up, triggering a stronger emotional charge and simultaneously unsettling the mental body.

When we encounter energetic triggers, they can cause a change and reaction in the “changable” part of our energetic sheath. Simply put: a series of combined variables that form our appearance, through which we live this personality at a particular moment in space and time, constitute our outer, variable energy sheath, while alongside it exists the unchanging part of us, of which we are not always aware, and which we could represent as our pure consciousness.

Since this changable part of us is something that can be easily influenced by external forces, until we cleanse the vibrations of that outer sheath and strengthen it from within through our awareness, we will be susceptible to external influences, even manipulation. Therefore, when we talk about energy, this is a very serious topic. Because we want our sovereignty and wish to exclude any undesirable external influences.

Let’s try to explain this through visualization. Imagine you are a tree. If you are strong, rooted, but also flexible, the wind may sway you, but it cannot uproot you from the ground. Your flexibility is a sign that you are ready to surrender to life, but if your leaves cling weakly to your branches, the wind will scatter your canopy and separate and scatter your leaves. Energetic triggers are what have the ability to initiate precisely this scattering and separation of our parts from ourselves.

Therefore, we want to be able to recognize and understand what those energetic triggers are that hold power over our behavior just as much as we want to free ourselves from their control over us. But if we are not in that state of awareness where we recognize how and in what way we lose our power and stability, it is unlikely that we will have the impulse within us to want to change such a state.

To better identify the multitude of different energetic triggers we encounter throughout the day, we can again use simple visualizations from our everyday life.

Focus your attention on the moment when you wake up. If your sleep was poor, you can add the first mark to the list of energetic triggers. What is your home like and the people you live with – are your relationships pleasant and supportive, or unpleasant and tense? Do you go to work with positive thoughts or feeling burdened? How did your commute to work go? What is your work environment like – your relationships with colleagues and your employer? How is your relationship with the work you do? What is the quality of your life in terms of the food you eat, the content you listen to and consume? Do you feel you have time for yourself, or are you always a victim of other people’s plans and desires that have nothing to do with you? How much can you express yourself creatively and freely? Are you connected to yourself and what you want on the level of your soul?…

Looking at life this way, we can see that living is not easy, and it is hard to balance the variety of external influences with our own desires.


Living life consciously does not mean that we have solved all our life’s problems. It means we are able to recognize the moment and the cause when something affects us and throws us off balance. This gives us the opportunity to work on it and thus protect ourselves from being constantly thrown off track throughout life. Awareness and mindfulness allow us to recognize this, but that alone will not change the reason why we are susceptible to certain external influences. This is where we come to the difference between TREATING SYMPTOMS and TREATING THE ROOT CAUSE. Every holistic approach to healing observes and takes into account the causes of our condition. The same goes for energy. The real question we can ask ourselves when an external agent triggers us energetically is: What is it within me, in my energy, that causes me to react in this way?

This is also the question I would recommend you ask yourself, as a task, during meditation. However, when working with energy, the answer we receive to this question may not take a clear or logical form; it is enough that we vibrationally initiate the response to “resonate within us.” After that, we can pose another, very powerful counter-question: WHO AM I?

The answer to this question, which can elicit a reaction from your pure consciousness, is one of the most powerful forms of healing that can change your reaction to triggers, the strength of your external energy barrier, and the strength of your consciousness as you walk through your everyday life.

In addition, there are various techniques and treatments, lifelong processes of changing habits, ways of living and thinking, through which we can free ourselves to live our own consciousness and strength. The good news is that each of our personal attempts at liberation clearly improves the quality of our lives, our vitality, and brings us that good feeling of empowerment from within.


Although I’ve explained triggers as something viewed negatively, they never throw us out of our unchanging part – what is our truth and our core. They simply reveal the existence of unresolved traumas.

When we, as a personality, surrender to our consciousness, recognizing triggers is a good thing so that we can release the personality, masks, and defense mechanisms.

Energetic triggers can also be high-vibrational. They will most often activate in the presence of people who vibrate significantly higher than we do. Being around someone who lives and speaks their truth can inspire us just as much as it can irritate us.

When a high vibration encourages us to make positive changes, it is a system of “like attracts like,” meaning that the higher vibration reminds us of that same part of us that is in high vibration and our own truth, so that it may activate and awaken.