When I first heard of the term “energy immunity”, I immediately liked it. The concept itself beautifully explains how our energetic resilience and strength fluctuate due to various causes and how our actions can either weaken or strengthen our energy immunity.

Energy immunity allows us to defend ourselves on an energetic level from energetic attacks, energies that manifest as negative thoughts and programs, entities, or vibrations that disrupt our sense of self as consciousness and as sovereign beings. Based on the purpose of energy immunity, it would be fair to diagnose that the energy immunity of most of humanity is quite poor.

Although we are talking about the energetic level, energy immunity directly impacts the physical level, including the immune system of the physical body. (For more on physical immunity, read here: https://transformationhealing.net/en/how-to-strengthen-the-immunity-of-the-physical-body-through-energy-healing/)

Spiritual practices that strengthen and renew us from within play a crucial role in building energy immunity, as does adopting energetically healthy habits and carefully choosing with whom, how, and where we spend our time. A healthy immune system enables us to resist low-vibrational energies that can influence how we feel and how much of our energy we can utilize effectively.

When our energy immunity is strong, we have all the preconditions to live our lives in flow, and our life energy can seamlessly pour into our lives as a creative force. 

There are numerous ways to strengthen energy immunity, making this a vast topic. Let’s try to systematize it. 

We can enhance our energy immunity through: 

1. Spiritual practices

2. Proper care of the physical body 

3. Healthy relationships

4. Spending time in energetically clean spaces


Spiritual practice plays a direct role in the quality of our energy immunity because certain levels of our multidimensional existence can only be healed and strengthened through a spiritual approach, that is, through consciousness. It is beneficial to learn more about yourself as energy and to embrace the understanding of yourself as a soul on its journey. 

As an advocate for meditation, I recommend finding a technique that works for you, keeping in mind that all truly empowering practices lead to one goal: a state of unity, awakened consciousness, and alertness. 

Choose practices that provide a sense of freedom and do not place you in an inferior or superior position. Given the abundance of available selection, always maintain a sense of discernment. The moment you feel that something is not rigt for you, step away from it immediately. While spiritual practices are generally beneficial, they can sometimes cause unseen harm. 

What is helpful to know and can support the maintenance of energy immunity includes practices of energy protection, as well as any practices that help preserve your autonomy and balance your energetic bodies.


There is a reciprocity and interconnection between the material and spiritual levels, and neglecting the physical level can negatively impact the ability to embody a greater amount of one’s own consciousness in the physical body. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body! The goal is always to achieve a balance between activity and rest, proper nutrition, sufficient movement, and spending time outside built environments. 


As human beings, we cannot avoid relationships with others; they are part of this existence, serving as tools for learning and growth. What we can do is work on our relationships to make them better and more fulfilling, or remove ourselves from those that no longer serve us. Reflect on the human relationships in your own life—notice how influential they are on your daily state and how significantly they affect how you feel.


Spaces also carry their own energy, and the events that occur within them leave an energetic-vibrational imprint. This is one of the reasons why we feel comfortable in some places and not in others. Being mindful of where we spend our time is just as important as being mindful of with whom and how we spend it. 

All these components collectively influence how we feel and whether we will grow in consciousness or regress.