Energy healing treatments and working with energy can greatly help in reducing the sensation of pain. However, because this is something intangible, it is difficult for many to understand how energy treatments actually work. This is also the reason for the generally widespread reserved attitude towards healing. Let’s try to clarify how a treatment can actually help you.


When we are in pain, or when the body experiences physical pain, all our energy and the body contract, especially in the area where we experience pain. This contraction prevents the free flow of energy and creates additional blockages in the body. It can be the case that an earlier energetic blockage led to the sensation of pain or vice versa, that we contracted due to an external injury. On a vibrational level, “sending” the recipient the message that everything is fine, that they can freely relax, that they are not in danger, also affects the mind, which sometimes panics when it feels threatened and fights for survival. A mind that feels threatened creates a state of constant alertness in which our body is in a state of alarm readiness. Sometimes such alertness really keeps us alive, but more and more it creates a situation where the state of stress has become a normal modus operandi for modern humans. Energy healing aims to release created blockages and promotes flow in energy, thereby reducing the sensation of pain in the physical body.

For example: observe the area of your neck and shoulders. Do you feel relaxed or are you tense? Prolonged tension will lead to a painful cervical area and often cause tension headaches.


We often forget how our body communicates something to us through its sensations. The body always communicates with us if we are willing to listen. Long-term neglect of the body’s messages leads to it speaking louder and louder, meaning neglected messages in a particular part of the body manifest as pain. These messages are messengers and tell us many things: this is good for you, this isn’t, I feel supported and safe in this situation, in this one I don’t…

It is said that the messenger is never to blame, and so the neglected body is not to blame for its messages not being understood in time. Contrary to the belief that the message of pain is a negative message, it actually contains the richness of our experience of existing in this body.

Often, pain will not disappear as long as we do not consciously receive the message. Understanding does not have to be conscious, at the level of the mind, it is enough that understanding occurs at the vibrational level. The message may indicate an impulse for a change in life direction, which brings a revolution in our lives. If we are not willing to listen to the body’s messages, to release and surrender to the guidance of our soul and higher consciousness, we bring ourselves into a state of pain and suffering.

An energy treatment, but also any psychotherapeutic work, will help us reach those personal messages and wisdom, even if we have developed resistance to them. However, no therapist can lead your life and take on your own responsibility to change it. The therapist can help you become aware and support you.


When healing is done or when meditating, entering the vibration of peace is one of the most calming states we can enter (it is also possible to enter, for example, the vibration of joy, love). The vibration of peace calms the body at the cellular level. As it is a very high frequency, yet quite gentle, the vibration of peace can cleanse the cells of any feeling of restlessness in them, and thus pain. A person who enters a state of peace views their suffering from a higher level of existence and separates from the feeling of subjective pain they experience.

Theoretically, this is perhaps simpler than achieving the same in practice. That is why it is valuable to seek help of an experienced and energetically aligned healing practitioner or meditation teacher.


When we transition into action through consciousness, we see how limited or even distorted our perception of the functioning of this world is. However, science is increasingly supporting what has long been known in energy medicine. Consciousness, with its power, can penetrate the space between atoms, into other dimensions and levels of existence, and thus heal even what would be considered impossible on a physical level.

By surrendering to ourselves as consciousness, we can regain our own strength and the much-desired health and life without pain.


Sometimes we suffer unnecessarily due to imposed programs. One such very dangerous collectively imposed program is the program of suffering, which has even convinced us that it is noble to put ourselves under the cross, thus making suffering noble.

In my practice, it has proven useful to remove such beliefs because the sensation of physical pain was reduced even in very severe health conditions.


As long as we are in this dual existence, we will experience both pain and ease. Pain in this sense is not something negative; it is one of the driving forces. Life is movement that requires forces to move it, from which we, as consciousness, learn something.

Another matter is that we live in a world where pain is sometimes celebrated and promoted through a culture of violence, self-alienation, and unconscious living. By recognizing ourselves as consciousness, we will begin to view many earthly institutions differently and draw closer to our body and its wisdom.

The next time your body wants to tell you something through pain, allow it with your inner intention – that you will listen to it.