The topic of this blog is a response to a frequently asked question: how can we use energy healing practices to heal our own pain? In this case, pain is defined as physical pain, discomfort, or suffering caused by illness or physical injury.

I’ve previously written about mechanisms for reducing the sensation of pain (read here:, which may be more interesting for energy practitioners, while this text is intended for anyone who wants to try self-healing practices. It’s recommended to read the earlier text for better understanding of this topic.

Here, I will offer ways you can help yourself. Part of this self-help can come in the form of hand placement practice (hands-on healing), while another part can be through meditation and mindfulness techniques.


Placing palms on the area that hurts is the simplest and most natural way of self-healing and showing attention and tenderness to your body. By placing hands, we also connect with our body. It’s incredible that even today, there are various beliefs that separate us from connecting with our bodies through touch, teaching us that the body is dirty, fragile, or that touch will only worsen the condition. Before you begin self-healing, reflect on whether you hold any of these beliefs.

There’s no secret recipe—just place your hands on the part of the body that hurts.

At the same time, focus on that area, and for a stronger effect, don’t multitask. Along with strong focus, intention is important in energy work. Set the intention to reduce and remove pain from the painful area in the body.

You can take it a step further. If you are unaware of the cause of the pain, set the intention that the cause is revealed, and you can also ask for means to heal the pain. Don’t be surprised if your body’s wisdom responds with something simple, like the need to drink water for better hydration or kidney filtration. Perhaps you’ll crave dark chocolate, because your body wants more magnesium, or you’ll start yawning, as the body asks for more rest. You might even recall a past experience and realize that it caused accumulated tension. Pay attention to such subtle signs. However, pain can sometimes signal more serious health issues, so always consult a doctor when necessary.

When placing your hands on the body, aside from intention, the quality of touch is important. The energy flowing through your hands can be directed and its vibration amplified. You can charge the energy of your hands with love (read this article:, use the energy of peace or silence, or transmit vibrations of certain colors that carry specific properties (commonly white, gold, green, or violet, but red if you want to awaken energy in cold areas of the body). Don’t limit yourself—allow creativity in your imagination.

Often, you’ll feel warmth through your hands, but sometimes it can be a cooling sensation. Whatever the sensation, don’t be surprised, as you are receiving what your body needs at that moment.


You can enhance pain relief through breathing. On the inhale, enter the pain, focusing on the painful area, and as you inhale, imagine gathering all the pain that has accumulated there. With the exhale, release all the gathered pain out of your body and energy space.


Visualizations are also a useful tool for relaxing and releasing pain. You can imagine yourself in a pleasant place like a flower-filled meadow, forest, or by the sea or river. Additionally, you can use visualizations involving the elements—water, fire, earth, wind—to achieve a specific effect. One of my favourite visualizations involves the element of water washing away everything that is unnecessary, worn out, or painful. Earth can help remove intense burning sensations, fire can enhance energy flow, and so on.


Pain often signifies blocked energy flow in the body. Theoretically the solution is simple: move the stuck energy from the painful area. Headaches are a typical example, where we feel intense throbbing in the head, as if the energy has become compressed in a tight space. Often, this is exactly the case. If the pain is localized in the head, try focusing first on your breath, then shift focus to another part of your body, like your hands, fingertips, or feet. By simply shifting focus to another part of the body, or grounding through your feet, you’ll move the energy from the place where it is stuck.


We can approach pain by working with the vibrations that led to the sensation of pain in the body. This can be done through meditation. Just as pleasure has its own vibration, so does the pain. When working with pain, we want to experience pleasure, but long-term, pleasure cannot override pain if the vibration of pain hasn’t surfaced, been released, and transformed. The vibration of pain is the root cause of why we experience physical pain, and it must be transformed for us to be able to achieve pleasure, health, and balance in our bodies.

How to start? 

Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and enter meditation. View meditation as a tool for revealing and being honest with yourself. As in the hands-on healing practice, it’s important to set an intention, such as: “I am working on all vibrations behind the pain manifesting in me, releasing and healing them.” Don’t think of meditation as a state where you have no thoughts and are instantly in a Zen state. What comes up during meditation can be just as painful as the physical pain, but many times, you’ll discover that this inner suffering is the cause that spiritually shaped the pain manifested on the physical level.

At the same time, I recommend learning to create your own energetic protected space (read here:

When we engage in such a self-healing process, allow your awareness to guide you. Try to view yourself, your personality, living through your physical body, through the eyes of awareness.

Working with vibrations, including those causing the health condition and pain, is often a deep, “mining work”. Such work brings a new understanding of yourself as a being of light, a soul on its journey, having experienced traumas in various lifetimes that reflect in your current condition. If it doesn’t work at first, don’t get frustrated. Sometimes it takes more practice, but awareness is a tool available to all of us, and persistence is rewarded. When facing significant physical challenges, the reward is even greater! For self-healing in this way, patience and deep inner work are required, but the results carry over into this life and future incarnations. If you find it challenging, you can always seek help from an experienced therapist or meditation teacher.