“To err is human.” It’s normal to make mistakes, but it’s also necessary to learn from them and in time to recognize them. Since the field of healing is something I learned “on the go” and for which I didn’t have a specific manual, of course, I made mistakes. Hence, the result of that experience and the desire to write this blog, because these are mistakes that don’t need to be experienced firsthand.
The sooner we learn these lessons, the easier life and work as a healer will be.
I could notice that the main source of all mistakes is the ego. In that small, proud, and stubborn mind that wants to fight for its survival against intuition and against the cosmic universal mind of consciousness.
Some of these mistakes are:
Attachment to Outcome
Consider the following situation: someone asks for your help because they have physical issues, with a specific part of the body. This person simply wants their physical discomfort to ease and no longer wants to think about why there is constant pain in that specific part of the body. And as a therapist, you say: let’s see what we can do…, you feel even more responsible because the client has also paid for the treatment, and you also want the treatment to succeed to prove yourself as a therapist. But when you work with this person, you start receiving various information in the form of energy: you realise that the person isn’t dealing with their own emotions, not expressing or releasing them, moreover, they hold a huge amount of guilt, either towards themselves or directed towards others, they also constantly conceal their inner processes by adjusting the facade of “everything is fine, nothing is wrong with me”, and they have unhealthy movement and eating habits. Slowly you realise: one treatment I’ll do won’t help this person much. Even if the treatment brings relief, if you’re aware of other levels of working with energy, you know that the energy will actually trigger something else in that person, namely, before they feel better, they will have to feel worse because their emotions are still there, unprocessed, their thought patterns and life habits need to change radically. This example clearly tells us that when we delve into someone’s energy, we can’t know in advance what to expect and it’s impossible to predict the outcome of the treatment in advance, nor to attach to it.
Inability to Save Someone
Building on the theme of attachment to outcome, it’s important to learn that we can’t always save others. Each of us as a soul has our own life path: lessons we want to learn, transmitted vibrations that need to be resolved, and when our earthly journey will end. In my work, I’ve also worked with the dying, escorted some of them, and fought for some. This struggle both exhausted and shook me, but it was also a great lesson for me that we can’t know when it’s someone’s time to depart, that we can give as much as possible, but we can’t influence the moment when the soul decides to end its earthly journey. Everyone must take their own responsibility. It’s never someone else’s responsibility, not even the healer’s. The struggle for oneself is like an energy that gives us strength for a vibrational breakthrough, for growth. The healer can only support and guide someone and can’t do it for another.
Telling Everything to the Client
Clients can be very curious, especially when they realise that through your extrasensory perception, you’ve received more information about them and their condition than is usual in regular human interaction. If you see that you have such a curious client who absorbs all possible information about themselves and the treatment like a sponge: KEEP QUIET! Keep quiet like you’re mute! Usually, this knowledge doesn’t serve the client but creates new mental stories or new projections from it. The client usually doesn’t realise that the state after the treatment is changed both in vibration and consciousness, and often doesn’t need the information that “brings them down” after that. Talk openly perhaps only with someone you already know, who is otherwise open-minded and understands and can distinguish what is their true nature, and that’s not this personality through which they live. Also, assess when the ideal time for that is, maybe it will be wiser to wait until the next day after the treatment.
Working When I’m Going Through Intense Processes Personally (Double-sided)
To understand how this is a mistake, you have to understand what healing is. A person who (seriously) engages in healing always works on themselves first because they understand that shifts outward always come from within and always come from themselves as the starting point. This includes a lot of so-called spiritual work on oneself. Spiritual work brings us into our own special processes, which means that we also need to direct our energy towards that inner work, not towards helping others. Such processes can also bring resolution with what falls under negative human emotions that carry low vibrations (e.g., sadness, anger, fear, guilt). When we intensely release such emotions, it’s wise to skip doing the agreed treatment. We can work with others even when we ourselves aren’t entirely sorted out, but then we also need to assess well not to be led by our own ego. Here I want to draw attention to another possible case, namely, that working with a client triggers your own healing processes. Healing work isn’t a surgical operation where you delve with a scalpel into someone’s physical body. Interaction at the energy level is always greater than we can imagine, and just delving into someone else’s energy fields and working with a specific client’s theme can also lead to your personal processes that are vibrationally the same. For example, you have a problem yourself that arose due to the loss of someone, and your client approached you for help to cope with loss, working with them can also benefit you. When a healer works, they don’t work with their own personal energy, but channel it from a higher level of consciousness, so it’s quite possible that this energy will be helpful to both the client and the healer.
Eager Desire to Help Others
This is a mistake where, alongside common sense, we must include the strength to say no and the strength to put on the brakes when it’s obvious that it’s not up to us to help others, that we’re not the appropriate therapist for a particular person, when our intuition tells us to step aside. It’s largely related to all the mentioned mistakes.
Eager Desire to Help Others Amidst Strong Personal Openings
The difference compared to processes of internal cleansing prompted by spiritual work of the healer is that with stronger openings I mean by of increased sensitization, heightened sense of inner strength, that inner feeling of progress and that we’ve moved for the better in vibration, we are more flow-through and connect with the awareness within us with greater ease. Before we want to be everyone’s Superman, it’s better to notice that we live at a fairly low level of existence and we’ve really worked hard for our breakthroughs in consciousness, so it’s far wiser to ground these changes through our body, allow the processes initiated by them to unfold in our body, and give ourselves time. These breakthroughs are not here for us to save everyone. Rather, let’s notice that they are like a wave that lifted us a little higher, but that wave will come down again, and then we will have to redirect the energy only to ourselves because we still have a lot to resolve in our own vibrations.
Such behaviour is not selfish. What we manage to overcome vibrationally and that “know-how” will be shared with a much larger network of consciousness that surrounds us here on Earth. This is actually how we help others and each other.
Exhaustion of the Body
There were days when I accepted all scheduled treatments and I really physically pushed myself beyond the limits, especially because I have my regular job, I run a studio, manage a household, and take care of two children. I think I’m smarter now because I’m gentler with myself, I take more time to rest, I understand how delicate my nervous system is and how my sensitivity, just like me, needs a break and an opportunity whenever possible: just to breathe…
Besides, what kind of teacher would I be if I didn’t adhere to what I teach others?
Attachment to Knowledge about Energy Systems
You might be surprised that I listed this as a mistake, but systems are really just a representation and an attempt to explain what exists within us through theory and the limitations of human mind’s understanding. This is a mistake that I really got burned by, even embarrassed, because experience, practice, and acting through consciousness, and not the mind, surpass the systems taught by various schools. Teaching is important as a way of transmitting knowledge and explaining something, but we don’t have to view them as finite. Working with energy can be systematised and can be learned, but we need to allow ourselves more freedom in that and open up to our own knowledge of higher levels, which is now vibrationally available to us.